Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dragonfly Pool, class work

Akshita Sharma
Ms. Ettarh

Dialogue Journal
The Dragonfly Pool

      This quarter I did the DJ on “The Dragonfly Pool” written by Eva Ibbotson. This book is historical fiction. It has 416 pages and I have completed the book.
     This book talks about an adventurous and caring girl name Tally. She has been sent to a boarding school  called Delderton because of the  World War 2. She thinks Delderton is not an interesting place, but it turns out to be the is a place for her. Tally is a caring and a compassionate person; she cares about others more than herself. On one occasion, the school got a letter for their students for a dance festival in Bergania. At the campsite, Tally become friends with Karil the Crown of Prince, and he shows Tally the remarkable Dragonfly Pool. The Nazis assassinated Karil’s father, but now they want to get Karil so it is up to Tally’s and the Deldertonains to save Karil. The Deldertonains succeeded in saving Karil, but Karil had to live with his grandpa, Karil escaped from there and went to Delderton to live. The moral of this book is about don’t be selfish, care about other too not only yourself because Tally never had concerns or complains about her life, but only cared about other more than herself.
“Tally heard the sound of rushing water and they came to a waterfall, tumbling down between rocks. Still following the boy, she scrambled up to the top-and stood there, silent and amazed. They had come to a pool so still and dark and deep that it hardly seemed to belong to the real world”
I thought this part of the book was good enough to choose it for illuminator. I visualized exactly what happened, I could picture Tally running following the boy, and amazed of what she saw, the Dragonfly Pool. I do not know why but when I read the part I feel, I am there seeing all this happen; moreover, it does not use that descriptive language. I chose this part of the book because it was important to the story and Tally. From here, Tally becomes friends with the boy Karil and the story takes an interesting route, toward the climax. Since Karil is friends with Tally, its Tally’s responsibility to keep Karil from the Nazis.
I love this book, it is so interesting, and I could not even keep my book down. This book makes me remember the relationship between my best friend and me. We were just like Tally and Karil. I never in my life saw anyone like Tally; she is really a kind of person, and that is rare. This novel could be recommended to any age group. It is an adventurous book.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Funniest Joke

Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps, "My friend is dead! What can I do?". The operator says "Calm down. I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead." There is a silence, then a gun shot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says "OK, now what?"

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Can You Type Fast?

Can you type fast? If not that,’s a problem because when you grow up and get a job you need to type fast. We would also need this skill when we are a student because if there an assessments that includes fast typing. If they do not type fast, they will not be able to complete the assessments.  (May you find this information helpful?) I consider for achieving our goal for typing we need to set off or burn the keyboard with our speed. We should be relaxed and loose so we do not have stress while we are typing. Since when we are tense and stress there is more pressure and than effects, how we are typing. In stress, you might just type the wrong thing in stress. Therefore, the best thing is after a bath or a shower we do typing because be are relaxed and stress free.  We can also practice at least 10 to 15 minutes each day so as we go by we can get better. I know for some people they have after school activates then they do not have enough time. Always try to focus on typing rather than thinking something else. Try to make the keyboard in your mind and then type you might  find that helpful. I would recommend for then maybe during lunch, break, or maybe even coming early to this in the computer lab or library so you have some time to some typing. If you do this everyday, your speed will in increase. GOOD LUCK!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

How Technology helps us in future?

Technology skills are becoming and increasing need in the business world. Since many students are preparing for future employment. Students overlook to gain the technology skills.
In every day, technology is becoming an important part of our life. If you think, technology is not important you will not be able to find a single job without tech. Every job would need tech and computers in the future and now.
In some jobs, you would need to know specific technology skills. However, everyone should know the basics. You know 99 percent of all workers do not know how to do research on web. It is important that they know the use of web. It well obtains information that necessary to the topic. Companies use variety of software that helps them in their work. If you do not get provenience in your technology skills quickly, it is a problem.
To know all these technology skill start from when you are young. We should try to use technology everyday.